GlobalMentor Provides 5,000 Free eBooks

CHELSEA, OK, USA — June 5, 2002 — GlobalMentor, Inc. has made available for free over 5,000 electronic books through its publishing division, GlobalMentor Publishing. These works are stored in the widely-used Open eBook (OEB) format and comprise the full collection of classic texts produced by the Project Gutenberg™ Literary Archive Foundation. GlobalMentor Publishing now publicly offers more eBooks in OEB than any other publisher.

These Open eBook editions provide features beyond those found in normal Project Gutenberg™ texts, including page breaks, multiple fonts, headings, and "guides" for quickly accessing major book sections. The books can be read on any OEB-compliant reading system such as the Mentoract™ Reader, GlobalMentor's free software that allows a user to read the works on a computer by turning pages as if reading a printed book.

"We were amazed at the number of texts that Project Gutenberg has produced in the past few years," comments Garret Wilson, president of GlobalMentor, Inc. Noting that many readers feel limited by the word-processor-like interface typical of the original Project Gutenberg text format, he explains that GlobalMentor has therefore produced OEB versions that provide modern eBook features. "Project Gutenberg's desire to share these texts for free is consistent with our company's focus on education, so we're providing our eBook versions for free as well."

All the GlobalMentor Publishing editions of the full Project Gutenberg collection (lacking only several less-readable texts such as the digits of PI) are available for free at the GlobalMentor Bookstore at The books will also be distributed through Project Gutenberg distribution sites. "We are always glad to have as many distribution channels and formats as possible for the Project Gutenberg eBook Library," says Project Gutenberg founder Michael Hart.

About GlobalMentor, Inc.

GlobalMentor, Inc. is an international education technology company and is a member of the Open eBook Forum, the World Wide Web Consortium, and the Unicode Consortium. For more information, contact or visit GlobalMentor's web site at Books from GlobalMentor Publishing as well as from other publishers can be found at the GlobalMentor Bookstore at The works can be read with GlobalMentor's free Mentoract™ Reader software, available at, or with any other Open eBook compliant reading system.

About the Project Gutenberg™ Literary Archive Foundation

Project Gutenberg™ uses a network of volunteers to create public domain electronic text versions of published works which are then distributed by Professor Michael S. Hart through the Project Gutenberg™ Literary Archive Foundation. More information on Project Gutenberg may be obtained from or by contacting Professor Hart directly at